I’ve fallen into the comparison trap while trying to plan my 2021 business goals and marketing plan. I get caught up in the “Well what is this person doing?” “How can I grow like this business?” “Why can they get that and not me?”.
One of my personal goals this year is to create good energy so I can receive good energy. This competitive energy was definitely not good. By comparing against everyone else, I’m unconsciously putting myself down and putting down the success of others. Instead, I need to switch this to have good energy.
Here’s an awesome tip I heard from @sahdsimone :
Next time you catch yourself comparing yourself to someone else, stop, breathe, and in your head wish them joy. “Thank you for sharing this. May you be happy.” “Thank you for inspiring me. May you have joy”
One of my personal goals this year is to create good energy so I can receive good energy. This competitive energy was definitely not good. By comparing against everyone else, I’m unconsciously putting myself down and putting down the success of others. Instead, I need to switch this to have good energy.
Here’s an awesome tip I heard from @sahdsimone :
Next time you catch yourself comparing yourself to someone else, stop, breathe, and in your head wish them joy. “Thank you for sharing this. May you be happy.” “Thank you for inspiring me. May you have joy”